API Reference

Kinect2 streaming server and client

Event handling

Some streamkinect2 object emit events. The blinker library is used to handle signals. See the blinker documentation for full details. As an example, here is how to register an event handler for a new depth frame from a streamkinect2.mock.MockKinect object:

from streamkinect2.mock import MockKinect

kinect = MockKinect()

# The "depth_frame" argument name is important here as the depth frame is
# passed as a keyword argument.
def handler_func(kinect, depth_frame):
    print('New depth frame')

MockKinect.on_depth_frame.connect(handler_func, kinect)

Alternatively, one may use the connect_via() decorator:

from streamkinect2.mock import MockKinect

kinect = MockKinect()

def handler_func(kinect, depth_frame):
    print('New depth frame')

Note that, by default, signal handlers are kept as weak references so that they do not need to be explicitly disconnected before they can be garbage collected.

Common elements for both client and server

class streamkinect2.common.EndpointType[source]

Enumeration of endpoints exposed by a Server.


A REP endpoint which accepts JSON-formatted control messages.


A PUB endpoint which broadcasts compressed depth frames to connected subscribers.

exception streamkinect2.common.ProtocolError[source]

Raised when some low-level error in the network protocol has been detected.


class streamkinect2.server.Server(address=None, start_immediately=False, name=None, zmq_ctx=None, io_loop=None, announce=True)[source]

A server capable of streaming Kinect2 data to interested clients.

Servers may have their lifetime managed by using them within a with statement:

with Server() as s:
    # server is running
# server has stopped

address and port are the bind address (as a decimal-dotted IP address) and port from which to start serving. If port is None, a random port is chosen. If address is None then attempt to infer a sensible default.

name should be some human-readable string describing the server. If None then a sensible default name is used.

zmq_ctx should be the zmq context to create servers in. If None, then zmq.Context.instance() is used to get the global instance.

If not None, io_loop is the event loop to pass to zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream used to communicate with the cleint. If None then global IOLoop instance is used.

If announce is True then the server will be announced over ZeroConf when it starts running.


The address bound to as a decimal-dotted string.


The zeromq endpoints for this server. A dict-like object keyed by endpoint type. (See streamkinect2.common.EndpointType.)


True when the server is running, False otherwise.


list of kinect devices managed by this server. See add_kinect().


Add a Kinect device to this server. kinect should be a object implementing the same interface as streamkinect2.mock.MockKinect.


Remove a Kinect device previously added via add_kinect().


Explicitly start the server. If the server is already running, this has no effect beyond logging a warning.


Explicitly stop the server. If the server is not running this has no effect beyond logging a warning.

class streamkinect2.server.ServerBrowser(io_loop=None, address=None)[source]

An object which listens for kinect2 streaming servers on the network. The object will keep listening as long as it is alive and so if you want to continue to receive notification of servers, you should keep it around.

io_loop is an instance of tornado.ioloop.IOLoop which should be used to schedule sending signals. If None then the global instance is used. This is needed because server discovery happens on a separate thread to the tornado event loop which is used for the rest of the network communication. Hence, when a server is discovered, the browser co-ordinates with the event loop to call the add_server() and remove_server() methods on the main IOLoop thread.

address is an explicit bind IP address for an interface to listen on as a decimal-dotted string or None to use the default.

on_add_server = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c43ff610>

Signal emitted when a new server is discovered on the network. Receivers should take a single keyword argument, server_info, which will be an instance of ServerInfo describing the server.

on_remove_server = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c43ff6d0>

Signal emitted when a server removes itself from the network. Receivers should take a single keyword argument, server_info, which will be an instance of ServerInfo describing the server.

class streamkinect2.server.ServerInfo[source]

Kinect2 Stream server information.

This is a subclass of the bultin tuple class with named accessors for convenience. The tuple holds name, endpoint pairs.


A server-provided human-readable name for the server.


Connection information for control channel which should be passed to streamkinect2.client.Client.


class streamkinect2.client.Client(control_endpoint, connect_immediately=False, zmq_ctx=None, io_loop=None)[source]

Client for a streaming kinect2 server.

Usually the client will be used with a with statement:

with Client(endpoint) as c:
    # c is connected here
# c is disconnected here

control_endpoint is the zeromq control endpoint for the server which should be connected to.

If not None, zmq_ctx is the zeromq context to create sockets in. If zmq_ctx is None, the global context returned by zmq.Context.instance() is used.

If not None, io_loop is the event loop to pass to zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream used to listen to responses from the server. If None then global IO loop is used.

If connect_immediately is True then the client attempts to connect when constructed. If False then connect() must be used explicitly.


A string giving a human-readable name for the server or None if the server has not yet replied to our initial query.


A dict of endpoint addresses keyed by streamkinect2common.EndpointType.


True if the client is connected. False otherwise.

The following attributes are mostly of use to the unit tests and advanced users.


The delay, in milliseconds, between “heartbeat” requests to the server. These are used to ensure the server is still alive. Changes to this attribute are ignored once connect() has been called.


The maximum wait time, in milliseconds, the client waits for the server to reply before giving up.


Explicitly connect the client.


Explicitly disconnect the client.


Enable streaming of depth frames. kinect_id is the id of the device which should have streaming enabled.

Raises ValueError:
 if kinect_id does not correspond to a connected device
on_add_kinect = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c34b1390>

A signal which is emitted when a new kinect device is available. Handlers should accept a single keyword argument kinect_id which is the unique id associated with the new device.

on_connect = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c34b1310>

A signal which is emitted when the client connects to a server.

on_depth_frame = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c34b1410>

A signal which is emitted when a new depth frame is available. Handlers should accept two keyword arguments: depth_frame which will be an instance of an object with the same interface as DepthFrame and kinect_id which will be the unique id of the kinect device producing the depth frame.

on_disconnect = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c34b1350>

A signal which is emitted when the client disconnects from a server.

on_remove_kinect = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c34b13d0>

A signal which is emitted when a kinect device is removed. Handlers should accept a single keyword argument kinect_id which is the unique id associated with the new device.


Send a ‘ping’ request to the server. If pong_cb is not None, it is a callable which is called with no arguments when the pong response has been received.

Depth frame compression

class streamkinect2.compress.DepthFrameCompressor(kinect, io_loop=None)[source]

Asynchronous compression pipeline for depth frames.

kinect is a streamkinect2.mock.MockKinect-like object. Depth frames emitted by on_depth_frame() will be compressed with frame-drop if the compressor becomes overloaded.

If io_loop is provided, it specifies the tornado.ioloop.IOLoop which is used to co-ordinate the worker process. If not provided, the global instance is used.


Kinect object associated with this compressor.

on_compressed_frame = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c440b1d0>

Signal emitted when a new compressed frame is available. Receivers take a single keyword argument, compressed_frame, which is a Python buffer-like object containing the compressed frame data. The signal is emitted on the IOLoop thread.

Mock kinect


This module requires numpy to be installed.

Support for a mock kinect when testing.

class streamkinect2.mock.DepthFrame[source]

A single frame of depth data.


Python buffer-like object pointing to raw frame data as a C-ordered array of uint16.


Pair giving the width and height of the depth frame.

class streamkinect2.mock.MockKinect[source]

A mock Kinect device.

This class implements a “virtual” Kinect which generates some mock data. It can be used for testing or benchmarking.

Use start() and stop() to start and stop the device or wrap it in a with statement:

with MockKinect() as kinect:
    # kinect is running here
# kinect has stopped running


Listener callbacks are called in a separate thread. If using something like tornado.ioloop.IOLoop, then you will need to make sure that server messages are sent on the right thread. The streamkinect2.server.Server class should take care of that in most cases you will encounter.


A string with an opaque, unique id for this Kinect.

on_depth_frame = <blinker.base.Signal object at 0x7fa3c33d66d0>

A signal which is emitted when a new depth frame is available. Handlers should accept a single keyword argument depth_frame which will be an instance of DepthFrame.


Start the mock device running. Mock data is generated on a separate thread.


Stop the mock device running. Blocks until the thread shuts down gracefully with a one second timeout.